INR - Biomed Internet Bookmarks 1.3


Internet Dental Resources
A large index to Internet Dental resources.
Internet Dental Forum
Pointers to several Internet email-based discussion groups -- on Dentistry, Dental Drugs, Managed Care, Dental Staff, Dental Lab -- open to dental health care workers.
The American Dental Association
ADA Online, the American Dental Association's Home Page. Containslinks to Dental news, product and services, practice and profession,and consumer information. Most of this site is limited to ADA members only.
Internet Dentistry Resources
A list of dental education, dental commercial, dental informatics, and government resources sites.
Virtual Dental Center
Martindales guide to dental resources on the Internet.
The National Institute for Dental Research
The NIDR Web site points not only to dental research information, but also to the special patient care catalog of the National Oral Health Information Clearinghouse and additional selected dental resources on the Internet.

Dietetics and Nutrition

Nutrition Resources hosted by the Emory University Medweb site.
DO Links...WWW links to other Nutrition Related Sites
This page contains links to some of the most reliable nutritionrelated pages found on the Internet.
Food Composition Data
Links to the USDA Nutrient Databases..
Fast Food Facts - Interactive Food Finder
Fat Finder - A fast food nutrient database.
The Blonz Guide
A directory of food and nutrition resources.
Internet Resources: Food and Nutrition


Medweb Nursing
The Emory University Medweb site lists nursing resources by topical category.
"Virtual" Nursing Center - Martindale's Health Science Guide
The "Virtual" Nursing Center contains links to numerousrelated nursing/medical sites.
The National Institute of Nursing Research
This page points to nursing research, nursing science news, legislative affairs, and frequently asked questions.
The American Nurses Association Web page.
CINAHL Tutorials Page
Tips and tutorials from medical librarians on searching the CINAHL database.
Internet Nursing resources indexed by the Galaxy site.


The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Pharmacy
Comprehensive index to schools, associations, journals, jobs,databases, drug stores, companies, and miscellaneous.
Pharmaceutical Information Network
Extensive index of pharmacy-related Internet resources.
Medweb Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Pharmacy and pharmacology resources listed by subcategory, sponsored by Emory University.DT>U.S. Pharmacopeia
The U.S. Pharmacopeia home page, with recent drug news, USP data-gathering activities, and pointers to print and online publications, software, and activities of the of the USP.
Jobs - Pharmacy etc.
Jobs in Pharmacy related fields - Academic, Industry, Government,and links to links.
The Galaxy listing of Pharmacy sites on the Internet.

Mental Health

Internet Psychology links indexed by the Galaxy service.
The Yahoo index of Psychology resources.
Social Work
The Yahoo index of Social Work resources.
World Wide Web Resources for Social Workers
This resource maintained by Dr. Gary Holden at New York University.
Standards for the Ethical Practice of WebCounseling
This is a document published by the National Board of Certified Counselors, Inc.
Medweb Psychiatry and Psychology
This Emory University Medweb site includes social work and behavioral science listings as well.


Medical Employment Resources
A list of medical and health employment opportunities from the Medical Matrix site. Note: this site may require you to register (at no charge) before allowing you access to these files.
CareerWEB - jobs, employment, and careers
Services offered from Career Web's home page include searchingfor jobs, Online job announcement forms, employers database, andmore.
Employment Opportunities and Resume Postings
Links to numerous job-related databases and gopher menus.
Welcome to MedSearch America
MedSearch America offers an Online resume center, HealthcareerForums, Jobs search, Resume searches, Employer profiles and aRecruiter's net.
Note: Think carefully before posting a resume online. Do you indeed want your personal data displayed in such a public way?

Grants and Research

Community of Science Web Server
The Community of Science is designed to help you identifyand locate researchers with interest and exertise similar to yourown. This database contains an online inventory of researchers,inventions, and facilities at leading U.S. and Canadian universities,and other Research and Development organizations.
Federal Information Exchange Home Page
Register for free FEDIX opportunity alert. This link is toan online application to receive grant notices by e-mail.
Federally-Funded Research in the U.S.
Federally-Funded Research with links to NIH - The NationalInstitutes of Health, NSF - The National Science Foundation, SBIR- Small Business Innovation Research, and the USDA - The UnitedStates Department of Agricuture.
Information about federal opportunities can be accessed usingby opportunities in the agency category, subject category, andaudience category.
GrantsWeb WWW HomePage
GrantsWeb is a starting point for accessing grants-relatedinformation and resources on the Internet. GrantsWeb organizeslinks to grants-related Internet sites and resources, includingfunding opportunities, grants databases, policy developments,and professional activities.
Nonprofit Resources Catalogue: Grants and Funding Sources
Nonprofit Resources Catalogue with Meta-links to grants andfunding sources.
Research and Administration Network
The Research and Education Resources pages are dedicated toproviding information and resources to support higher educationand research activities.
THe NIH Grants Database
The NIH Grants Database with links to a searchable database.These databases include Current NIH Grants, New NIH Grants, GrantsFunded by Specific Institutes in the NIH, and NIH Grants in SpecificStates.
Welcome to the Foundation Center
The Foundation Center serves the needs of grantseekers andfund raisers. Links include: Libraries and Locations; Trainingand Seminars; Grantmaker Information; Funding Trends and Analysis,Philanthropy News Digest; The Fundraising Process; Publications.


Library of Congress Marvel
This gopher site contains congressional information, census data, WhiteHouse documents, crime statistics, State Department reports, theGlobal Electronic Library, and U.S. Federal Government Information.
The John Hopkins University. This gopher contains unique tasksoriented biomedical information gopher.
The National Library of Medicine
The National Library of Medicine home page with links to many of the NLM on-line databases, history collections, and other medical information resources.
Databases and Bibliographies
An extensive index of databases for medical libraries.
Library Resources
Library resource index with links to Full Text books, poetry,journals, and magazines; Library card catalogs;
Literature searches either by book title or jounal title.
Medical/Health Sciences Libraries on the Web
This list has pointers to many of the medical and health science librariesthat have home pages on the Web.
Medical Libraries and Information Services Resources
Links to other Libraries and Information Services found on the Internet.
WI Division for Libraries...: Library Resource List.
The Library Resource List is primarily a meta-listing of about400 Internet resources that will be of interest to the librarycommunity. Table of Contents includes Reference resources, Newsites and search engines, Government resources, Library sites,Libraries, and Professional information.


Internet Grateful Med
The National Library of Medicine through Internet Grateful Med offers free-of-charge access to the full MEDLINE database and some other databases as well. Press the "Proceed" button to perform a MEDLINE search. But first peruse the "New User's Survival Guide" tutorial listed on the Grateful Med page.
PubMed is the version of MEDLINE search appropriate to the general public, also free of charge.

Medical and Health News

Reuters Health News
Reuters health news from Yahoo's Health page.

Online Journals and Journals Online

Medweb list of Electronic Publications
This is a list of many journals and newsletters, available in some electronic format. Some of these publications offer their entire content online whereas others offer only tables of contents or selected articles.

Health Specialty Starting Points

Search Engines

All-in-One Search Page
Many major search engines can be searched from this one page.
A unique search engine that allows searches in many differentlanguages.
Access to over 100 search engines.
Six of the largest search engines on one page. Contains Yahoo,Infoseek, Open Text, WebCrawler, Lycos, and Alta Vista.
Search The Internet with The Internet Sleuth
A search engine for keyword searches, but contains many subject-orientedlinks.

A software search engine. Searches for software by keywordor phrase.
Another site for obtaining software via the Internet.
Tucows is a popular site for downloading software.
PC Magazine
PC Magazine software download site.

Web Pages for all Medical Related Professions

National Institutes of Health
Provides access to a broad range of NIH resources, includinginstitute phone books and calenders, library catalogs, molecularbiology databases, full text of the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts,files containing AIDS and cancer information and more.
Martindales Virtual Medical Center
A Guide to Medical Information and Support on the Internet
Information on using the internet to obtain medical resources, including information on how to access medical chats, online doctors, medical listservs and newsgroups.
Hardin Meta Directory
Hardin Meta Directory pageshave pointers to comprehensive andfrequently cited lists in each subject.
Medical Matrix is a guide to Internet Clinical Medicine Resources.This site contains a search option to search the full text ofMedical Matrix by a keyword(s). No-fee registration is required for thefirst-time user.
Medicine Links
Dentistry, Medicine, and Surgery Links. Contains an extensiveMedical Index.
MedSeek - Internet Directory to Physicians and Services
The Internet directory to Physicians and Medical services.Form this home page, searches can be done by Specialties, Geographicalareas, Names, and Portfolios.
MedWeb: Biomedical Internet Resources
MedWeb contains links to all areas of medicine and healthcare.Contains a subject-oriented Table of Contents.
Home page for Current Cancer information and resources withlinks to other related sites.
Online Health Network
The Online Health Network contains electronic health information.This site features authoritative health care information fromMayo Clinic along with other reliable and accurate resources.
UW-Madison, Medical School InfoLink
Links to the Internet Health Guide, Medical School Web sites,Educational resources, Online publications, Biomedical resources,and more.
Harvard Medical Web
World Wide Web sites on health and medicine, including electronic publications.